Crimes and Socio-Economics

Alex Dou

For the map, I choose four datasets from the City of Chicago Data Portal, including Boundaries of community areas, Census Data – Selected socioeconomic indicators in Chicago, Crimes - 2001 to present, and Selected public health indicators by Chicago community area. When I'm playing with these different datasets, I find profound and interesting relationship between crimes and socioeconomic indicators in Chicago area. 

I use the data of percent age 25+ without high school diploma from Census Data - Selected socioeconomic indicators to reflect the education level. As one of the ways to measure economic power, per capita income of Chicago's different community areas (from Selected public health indicators) is basically in proportion to the below poverty level of those community areas. According to the data of Crime - 2001 to present, theft, robbery and assault are the most frequent types of crime in Chicago. Through categorizing the crimes on map, it is obvious to see that the crimes increase at the community areas with relatively higher per capita income. The crimes of theft and robbery also increase at the community areas with relatively higher percent without high school diploma and higher poverty level.